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Self-Promotion for Introverts® es una guÃa indispensable que ayuda a los introvertidos a sobresalir en un mundo de extrovertidos. Nancy te muestra cómo usar tu introversión a tu favor. Hágase oÃr más aunque hable menos. Impulsará su visibilidad y escalará a nuevas alturas en su carrera.
Autopromoción para Introverts®:
La guÃa tranquila para salir adelante
"A slim but effective manual for writing in the workplace.... With this guide, Ancowitz offers a speed course in sleek composition, covering everything from the principles of clarity and concision to creating attention-grabbing headlines and gripping opening sentences. Each short chapter presents a topic and offers examples of what to do (and what not to do), accompanied by even briefer chapter-ending roundups of 'rookie mistakes,' 'pro tips,' and 'big ideas.'"
Kirkus Reviews
"A must-have resource for anyone serious about advancing their career through effective and streamlined business writing."
Petter Kolm
Professor, Courant Institute, New York University
Quant of the Year 2021
"'Business Writing: Say More With Less' is the 'Strunk and White' for the ChatGPT era."
Ross Brand
5-time #1 international bestselling author
"A must-read for anyone looking to communicate more effectively."
Julie Winkle Giulioni
Author of Promotions Are SO Yesterday and Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go
"This book is a perfect guide for effectively communicating in the current business world. Nancy's advice is vital and cutting edge, as the proper use of AI tools is now critical towards increasing efficiency and improving time management. You will find Nancy's expertise invaluable!"
Paul Marrandino
Cloud Recruiting Manager, Google
"Concise and accessible. This should be on EVERYONE's (e)bookshelf!"
Monica B. Glina, Ed.D.
Assistant Dean for Faculty Development,
New York Medical College